Mark chapter 5, Jesus met a demon-possessed man. He shrieked both day and night as he roamed the tombs of his home of Decapolis. The towns people tried to contain him out of fear of personal harm, but nothing worked. He broke through their chains, and left them feeling hopeless. Then Jesus entered. Isn't that how life works? Tragedy strikes. The burdens on this world break our backs. Hopeless anxiety settles deep within our souls, as we come to the realization we have no power to make things right. We fall on our face with no place to turn. Then Jesus entered. The demon-possessed man grabbed a glimpse of Jesus in the distance. He ran before Him, and fell to his knees. With a shout, “Why are you here, Jesus the Most High?! Why do you come to torment me so? We have no business together!” the spirits deep within this man knew good and evil do not belong together, that where God dwells evil flees. “Get out! Leave this man, you unclean spirit!” Jesus declares wit...