I fought the bitter cold at o'dark-thirty to enthusiastically torture myself in my crossfit class. I conquered another class, and came home (still in the dark). Longing to crawl back under my blankets, I made the proper hygienic choice and showered before doing so. Just before my head hit the pillow for my early morning nap (when you wake up at 4AM, you take morning naps), I noticed I had a voicemail. This could only mean one thing -- I am being summoned for work! Forget the nap, it's time to kick it into high gear and get ready for the day like a sub (I really wanted to write "boss" but I'm a sub...). "Ah! You know that light green scarf would go so great with this outfit," as I rummaged through my scarf drawer, I began a rather lengthy conversation with myself. I generally feel entitled to such conversations when I am up many hours before the sun, and yet to have the proper amount of coffee. "Where is it?!" I began to panic as my super cute...