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Showing posts from February, 2018

The Little (Literally) Place I Call Home

Welcome to  Moroto  (kind of)! I know most will not make it to see this new place I call home for their own eyes, and for those, I wish to bring you on a virtual tour. In today’s episode we will tour my  luxurious suite. Many have asked what my home looks like, and it’s hard to explain just how small it is through words.  So  grab your showtime snack of choice (enjoy thoroughly – I miss snack foods the most), relax, and enjoy this episode of  Moroto  Cribs.  We ll, here it is .  Most of the time, I don’t even know what to do with myself with all this space. I mean, I can stretch out on the ground between my bed and my table (which means there is plenty of space for those burpees that I often avoid). In all seriousness, it is small but it is truly plenty of space for one person.  And I still feel comfortable to invite friends over for lunch or tea (or coffee, if I can convince them).  So  for now, this is my little ho...