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Showing posts from June, 2018

Just Be Willing

I began attending Moroto Baptist Church in February. The church sits in the center of Kakolye — a section of Moroto, a blend of low income housing and drinking establishments, where God has called me. A few weeks after I started going, they began to not-so-subtly ask me to preach. “Oh, they would mention, “there was once a missionary here for a few weeks, and they even preached one week.” Well, I am here for three years, so we will see what God wants me to do. “One day, Maria (for some reason, being called Mary is rare treat) will stand up and preach to us. But not by her might, but by the grace of God!” Yes, but we must not forget the will of God. My favorite though, was when the pastor pulled me aside and asked, “What do you do best in the church?” Simple – obey God. Each one of these moments I brushed off. God made it clear He placed me in this church for a reason, and I waited patiently for His plan. A few weeks ago, I had a conversation with one of the leaders of the church nam...