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Saying Good-Bye. The Boise Effect.

Saying goodbye is never easy, and since I have been overwhelmed with a massive amount of them in the past few weeks, I have decided to simply look at the blessings.
No one truly understands relationships that are built until someone leaves. I have spent three and a half years in Boise. I built amazing relationships with people I will never forget. I believe my time in Boise molded me into a stronger, more whole person. I know God brought more and more of His glory to my life because of my time in Boise. My faith was stretched time and time again. I was challenged in scripture, and grew so much in my knowledge.

 I made a wonderful group of friends through school. In the past three years, I grew so close to these people! It is funny to think that I have only known these people for three years. I feel as though we have known each other forever. That is how close I became to students and professors. Together we opened our hearts, and allowed Christ to move in our lives in ways that I don't think anyone knew could happen. Boise Bible College is such a beautiful community, and I am so thankful I could be apart of it. As I step away from such a community, I smile. There is an overwhelming blessing that consumes me because of these beautiful people. The Bible says to surround yourself with people who will be beneficial in your faith. BBC showed me why it says that! I will always hold these people in my heart.

I use to think I knew what "Church Family" meant. I was blessed with a wonderful church back in Oregon that I grew up in, and I truly feel as though they are family. However, New Heart embraced me for me. When someone knows you for most of your life, sometimes you do not see the full family of God at work. But I am so different from most the members of this church. Most come from Africa or Haiti, and have that cultural connection. But they adopted me into their family despite the differences, and I will always have them in my heart... And that concept prepared me in more ways than I knew for my adventure into an orphanage! God is good! They continually challenged my faith, and helped me to jump into a deeper relationship with my Savior. They allowed me into their lives, and I was the one who was blessed. They will always be family to me. I praise God for this beautiful family!
For a month, I worked at an Early Learning Center through the YMCA (Please excuse the cheesy picture! Ha. It was all I had... One day, I was listening to the country song "Drinks After Work" so after work I got a Dutch Bros and took a picture.). My only problem is that I should have found this place sooner than a month ago. I loved every single second of my very short time there. I seemed to click so well with everyone there. When I found out my departure date, I dreaded telling my bosses. I went to work so nervous that day! When I told them what I was doing, I think it took a minute for it to sink in. They were so excited for the opportunity for me that they simply did not realize that meant I was leaving the center. I was amazed to see how much these people are behind me. I was constantly finding myself up at the office talking about Uganda, or getting carried away with the teachers as we talk about the new kids in my life. My heart is so blessed knowing these people are behind me! I love that place, and am so thankful I found it before I left. I now cannot imagine going to Uganda without their support. Walking out on my last day was probably one of the hardest goodbyes I went through in my last week, but the blessing outweighs the heart break.

So much more came from my time in Boise, but words cannot describe all God accomplished in my time there. I will always be grateful for the time of preparation for such a moment as this. Uganda, here I come! And be prepared! I have been strengthened by a great army!

(Link below... cool song and it mentions Idaho.... Felt kinda fitting... except I am not trying to get back...)


  1. We are so proud of you Mary. You go with many blessings filling your sails as you blow into your new position. You have been prepared for "such a time as this". Fulfill the Great Commission and make disciples of all nations, healing the sick, and declaring the Gospel in the way that only you can. Can you imagine it? You are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses that have gone on before you and are cheering as you run race. What an amazing young woman you are, a mighty warrior, full of valor!! Blessings!

  2. Oh goodness, you're leaving Monday and it's so exciting and i still will call you but before that can i just say I'M SO GLAD I MET YOU BEFORE YOU LEFT!!


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