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A Beautiful New Down Syndrome Friend!

One of my favorite foods in Uganda is chapati. Basically it is the Ugandan form of a tortilla, and tortillas were my staple food back in Boise. Today I woke up with a serious need for some chapati, and apparently so did Trevor because he begged for some at the beginning of our day's lesson. We made a pact that if we both worked very hard, then we would go get some, but we had to work EXTRA hard! He never worked so hard in one of our lessons as he did today.... we got chapati.
Trevor's shoe broke along the way, so I had to fix it about a hundred times along the way. By the time we reached our chapati man (he is beginning to recognize me... and I am not sure how I should feel about this ;]), my hands were covered in dirt. Not ideal conditions to eat finger food. There was a bunch of people waiting in line, so I reached into my purse to pull out my precious hand sanitizer. As I did, I heard someone shout, “Eh! Mzungu! Mzungu!” I have become accustom to this, and ignored it. However, they did not let up. As I squirted some into Trevor's hand, a hand grabbed my arm. Once again, not too uncommon, but I always get a little frustrated. As I shot my head up in preparation to tell someone to leave me alone, my eyes met the most excited and beautiful down syndrome kid I have ever seen! My frustration melted at an instant, and was replaced by a wonderful warmth. I pretended like I have known him my whole life, and gave him a big handshake and high five. He didn't speak English, so that was as far as our conversation went, but he stood next to me smiling the entire time. I loved it! The people around us looked in almost horrific disgust as I showed kindness to this friend. My heart broke.
I have worked with special needs children on many different occasions, and it has given me such a compassionate heart. I have made some of the most amazing lifelong friendships because of this work. Sometimes, I forget what the world sees when they see someone with special needs. Many cultures view a handicap as a curse, and will reject the person, kicking them out of the village, Uganda included. In America, special needs children are not considered a curse, but rather an inconvenience to society. They may not be kicked out of a village, but are rejected in horrible ways! Praise God this is not the only response to people with disabilities! I wish it did not exist at all, and pray that view point will soon disappear. Others are simply uncomfortable around special needs people. This really isn't much better. Out of their uncomfortable feelings, they will obviously ignore the person, refusing to make eye contact and making big circles around them instead of just walking by. Praise God there are also those people who look past the disability, and view the person as a fellow human... because that is exactly what they are!
I never understand either of the first two viewpoints. The children I worked with that have special needs have blessed me with some of the most amazing memories, and have taught me more about Christ's love than I can even fathom! They are some of my best friends, and I miss them everyday I am away from their beautiful smiles. God truly enriched my life because of their never giving up, unbreaking, always and forever spirit about them. And their families! Oh their families are just as amazing!!! They are filled with an unconditional love that truly inspires me! How I wish every person could experience what I have through these children.
When I think of Jesus and His ministry to the sick and disabled, I continually see Him full of compassion. Most times (if not every time) Jesus comes across a disability, the Bible says, “He had compassion on them.” A stirring in His heart came to help those so many others rejected. Why should I act any different? Why should Christians act different? The fact of the matter is that we all are going through major lifelong struggles. No one is without this struggle. My struggle is shyness. I have been painfully shy my whole life. I have a hard time going out and making new friends because I cannot stand any amount of attention on me. I have full on panic attacks in crowds, and if I have to speak in front of people, I generally black out (praise God though, because I may not be coherent to what is going on around me, but God will speak through me, and give me words... even when I cannot remember what I said at the end of my speech). God has brought me a long way, but I still battle daily with this shyness. Other people must fight other battles. Some are inward battles like shyness, and others must fight an outward battle. Let us come together and fight the battles together. Nothing feels worse than fighting a battle alone.

As my new friend walked away from the chapati stand, he kept looking back toward me and smiling just a bit bigger and brighter with every look. I waved back every time, knowing that if nothing else, I will be able to pray for him every time I remember that beautiful smile. I pray I do come back in contact with him, and we can have a lasting friendship!
I unfortunately did not have my camera today, so a picture of my buddies will make up for the loss!


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