As I share with friends and family about applying with a new ministry, I continually say, "if I get accepted...." Which is followed by a, "Why wouldn't you get accepted?" Which leads to, "Well, it isn't as though I think God can't make it happen, but if it doesn't that means God has something else in mind, and that is what I want." Which leads to an, "Oh I guess that makes sense," and I am left thinking, "you are still confused." This past Saturday, I was at church. As I was washing my hands, I struck up a conversation with a friend. She was doing her makeup, and we talked about how we feel when our makeup does not end up like we hoped. "So how has your new year gone?" my friend asks, "Good!" I reply. I mean, it was a week into the new year, and I still cannot wrap my head around the fact I am in 2016, "I have been working on an application to a new ministry. If all goes well, I will be bac...