She gripped my hands with such urgency, as she begged me to bring a package to her husband in Uganda, whom she had been separated from for a year. I was headed to Redeemer House, and she saw her opportunity. How could I say no? I explained I had small space, but would love to help in any way I could. Now, this package was not as small as I hoped -- plus so heavy! With some creativity, every piece made it's way to Uganda. However, the real challenge would be finding a man whose name I did not know, nor which refugee camp he lived. I carried on with my work as I assisted my first team at the house. I drove them all over Jinja, gathering supplies for their project when my phone rang, "Auntie Mary," Mercy started, "you have a guest," "I have a guest?!" At this point, I had been in country for three weeks, and made very few friends. "He said you have something from his wife in America," "Mama Mupendo's husband! I will be there as soon ...