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Scenes From Around the World

She gripped my hands with such urgency, as she begged me to bring a package to her husband in Uganda, whom she had been separated from for a year. I was headed to Redeemer House, and she saw her opportunity. How could I say no? I explained I had small space, but would love to help in any way I could. Now, this package was not as small as I hoped -- plus so heavy! With some creativity, every piece made it's way to Uganda. However, the real challenge would be finding a man whose name I did not know, nor which refugee camp he lived. I carried on with my work as I assisted my first team at the house. I drove them all over Jinja, gathering supplies for their project when my phone rang, "Auntie Mary," Mercy started, "you have a guest,"
"I have a guest?!" At this point, I had been in country for three weeks, and made very few friends.
"He said you have something from his wife in America,"
"Mama Mupendo's husband! I will be there as soon as I possibly can!" ... now to rush the American farmers trying to buy goats. It was not as easy of a task as it may sound....
I finally arrive to find my friend's husband sitting on the veranda. We greeted each other, and then I gave him his package from his family. He went on his way back to Kampala, and that was the end of it... or so I thought.
I returned back to Boise, and was greeted with such enthusiasm from Mama Mupendo and her children. From that moment on, we had a special connection.
A few weeks ago, I caught wind that my friend's husband was finally coming home. I had the honor of praying with the family the night before his arrival, as well as witnessing his arrival at the airport, and what a beautiful scene it was! Now, the Boise airport is probably the calmest airport I have ever been to, and that includes back in the day when Redmond only had one gate! Boise runs smoothly and is simply quiet -- except that night! A swarm of (mostly) Africans filled the arrival waiting area to welcome the end of a three year separation. Anticipation kept the building alive late into the night, as we impatiently awaited his arrival. Rapid Swahili filled the room. Kids raced up and down the escalators. Strangers stared through sleepy eyes, as they realized their anticipated quiet night at the airport was crushed by the celebration of the month! I was actually asked if we were waiting for a celebrity.
Finally, his plane landed! Everyone jumped into position, as we watched person after person walk through the doors. He finally arrived, and a full celebration broke lose! Joy filled that room like never before. Three years of desperate prayers had been answered!
God is so faithful. So many times, we pray for something big, like a father coming home to his family, and we stand amazed when it actually happens. Countless scriptures teach us otherwise. Here are just a few:

"From the end of the earth I call to You when my heart is faint; Lead me to the rock that is higher than I." -- Psalm 61:2
"Then you will call, and the Lord will answer; You will cry, and He will say, ‘Here I am.’" -- Isaiah 58:9"For with God, nothing is impossible." Luke 1:37"After you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish you." 1 Peter 5:10
"Ask and it will be given to yo;, seek and you shall find; knock and the door shall be open." -- Matthew 7:7
"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God." -- Philippians 4:6

Yet, how often do we stand before God, saying, "Wait, what just happened??" And His faithfulness continues. Even knowing that we doubt, He still displays all His glory before us. We then stand in awe of His goodness, seeking His grace for our doubts. Those moments are the ones we must hold deep within our hearts. In those moments, we see the true character of God, and we become more like Him. 


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