I am a fan of quotes. At the end of each of my journal entries, I put a quote that sums up what I wrote about. Each stage of my life, I have some kind of quote page of things that were said during that time. Throughout all my college scrapbooks, I write the funny quotes of the strange scenarios that we got ourselves into. I have pages of quotes from different jobs. I have also been collecting quotes throughout my time at Redeemer House. Many are too good not to share. Here is a small collection with explanations and stories. Every night, we have a time of devotion and prayer with the children. Some of the best quotes come from this time. Here is my prayer collection: Vestor: *praying* “I THANK YOU for me! And I THANK YOU for me, Father!” *Beating the couch with emphasis* Trevor: *Praying* “I thank You for street children. I thank You for sick people. I thank You for people who don't have food...” Ivan: “Do angels have plaited hair?” This was asked during our tim...