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Treasured Moments of Laughter

I am a fan of quotes. At the end of each of my journal entries, I put a quote that sums up what I wrote about. Each stage of my life, I have some kind of quote page of things that were said during that time. Throughout all my college scrapbooks, I write the funny quotes of the strange scenarios that we got ourselves into. I have pages of quotes from different jobs. I have also been collecting quotes throughout my time at Redeemer House. Many are too good not to share. Here is a small collection with explanations and stories.

Every night, we have a time of devotion and prayer with the children. Some of the best quotes come from this time. Here is my prayer collection:

Vestor: *praying* “I THANK YOU for me! And I THANK YOU for me, Father!” *Beating the couch with emphasis*

Trevor: *Praying* “I thank You for street children. I thank You for sick people. I thank You for people who don't have food...”

Ivan: “Do angels have plaited hair?” This was asked during our time of discussion when the kids ask their questions about what we spoke about.

Me: “Does anyone have any questions?”
Trevor: “I thank God for all children.”
Me: “That is good, but I think in school we are going to work on your definition of question.”

Somehow I got a collection of food related quotes. I really am not sure how this came to be, but it is funny and makes me smile:

Me: “Hola Como Esta?”
Silver: “I want food”

Marriage isn't all beer and skittles!” – Val (A missionary friend who was giving a couple of my single friends and me marriage advice.)

Don't eat trash. It will make you sick” – Trevor

Me: “I have had four cups of coffee today. To give you an idea of what I mean by 'cup' my friend Rebecca calls it a vat.”
Andrew: “Wow! That is a lot. But it is okay. When I was a kid, my mom would make a thermos of porridge just for me. It was one that held 12 cups, and I ate it all.”
Me and Rebecca: “Wait. That is not the same at all.....”
Andrew: “It is okay.”

As a mzungu, you get to deal with all kinds of random conversations from complete strangers. Basically, all boda men want to give you a ride, everyone wants to date you, and all kids want candy from you. This is the time when I am so grateful for sass!

Random kid across the street: “Give me sweetie!”
Me: “Not with manners like that!!”

Boda man: “I have been waiting for you.”
Me: “Thanks. You are going to be waiting a while.”

Random Stranger: “Carolyn! Hello Carolyn! Come and greet me!”
Me: “Not every mzungu is named Carolyn.”

Random Stranger: “When are we going to talk about us dating?”
Me: “Never. I don't date.”
Random Stranger: “Why don't you date African men?”
Me: “No. I don't date. End of story. Nationality means nothing.”

Now, everything else has no clear “category” but the randomness of each situation is so beautifully hysterical that I cannot help but share!

David: “You seem like the person who would know ballet”
Mercy: “I think so too!”
David: "Isn't that an American thing?!"

David: “Whenever I see the word 'sophisticated', I get really scared!”

If you know my family, you know that I basically look adopted. Okay, maybe not completely, but the fact that everyone is so tall and I am so short has made itself known to the kids as they see pictures (that is some serious height difference). Ivan said, “"Your brother is SOOOO TALL! He is so tall, and that makes you REEEEAAAAAALLLLY short!!!!!”

Trevor: SSSSSSSSSTOP touching me! I am Policemon!
Me: "I am Police man!"
Trevor" NNNNNNNNNNNO! Girl's arn't policemon!"

I am going to miss you. I am policemon. Tomorrow is church. I am policemon.” – Trevor

One of my friends found an abandoned puppy. We took care of it for a while. Vestor said, “We are friends. Everyday he bites me and I laugh.”

The rain is going to rain” – Eddie

Trevor: *holding hand and not letting go when he should be going to children's church*
Me: “Let go of my hand and go to class”
April: “Ha. I love you you have to give him a step by step instruction!”
Me: “.... Yeah.....”

I have a massive amount of hair. It is insanely unruly! One day it was in a ponytail, and Trevor said, “When you open your hair, it will be big one!”

I love all of these moments. I think sometimes we feel like missions needs to be serious all the time. But God has a sense of humor (I mean, look at ostriches!), and in all the seriousness that comes with the mission world, we need to stop and laugh with one another. We need a moment to remember joy. I am so thankful God created me with a lighthearted personality so I can enjoy moments like these.


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