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Scariest Day of My Short 22 Years of Life

After painting and cleaning, I was determined to get some errands ran before a very important meeting with our lawyer. The errands were few, and I longed for a quick little nap. That all changed as I watched Sarah return through the gate after lunch. Kids will come home for lunch, and then return to school. Once they are back on the journey to school, there is no reason for them to come home until classes are over. I saw worry and distress written all over Sarah's face, as I asked her why she had returned. “I van has been knocked,” she whispered as she fought back tears unsuccessfully.

Complete panic showered over me. “Ivan has been knocked.” He was hit by something. What I did not know, and at the time I did not care. I shouted to Mercy, who would be joining me on my days errands. I told her what was happening, and I have never seen someone move so fast! I praised God my keys were already in my hand. The children home fell into a deep worry, and desperately wanted to come with us to the hospital. After yelling at them to stay behind, Sarah and I jumped in the van as Mercy jumped on the boda who knew what hospital Ivan was in.

I never yelled at a boda to speed up in my life! But the road grew longer every second I imagined what happened to Ivan. As we went along, I found out from Sarah that he was hit by a boda. The boda took him to the hospital, and Sarah got another to come home as quickly as she could. I recently had a nightmare, where Ivan died. As we raced down the road, dodging taxis, that dream felt like it was coming alive.
Mercy already ran into hospital Ivan was in and was back to the van before I came to a complete stop. She said, “This place is not going to be a help. They are really busy. He is seriously injured, and we should go somewhere else.” Those few moments felt like hours. They both come walking out the doors. Praise God! He is walking! He is conscience! The biggest sigh of relief boiled over me. As I carefully pull out of my parking spot, Ivan tells us the man who hit him just left him. My relief turned to anger in .02 seconds! How could anyone do that to such a great kid? Just hit him and leave! I heard Mercy say, “We just need to pray for that boda man, and forgive him.” That is true. I do not know this man, but my anger will not solve anything. It will just make me feel better for a brief moment. I do not know the story behind this man. I tried to put myself in that situation, as I pictured what I would do if not for the love of my beautiful Savior. I did pray for that man, and I continue to.

We get to the hospital. Mercy and Ivan rush in, and I take Sarah back to school. I know Ivan is fine except a few cuts that will need stitches and a few sore parts, but my Mama Bear instincts are still running wild! I wanted to be there in case I was needed for anything, no matter how small. I wanted to double check that all was okay. I dropped Sarah, and ran by the house to let everyone know Ivan is fine, as well as grab a few items. Everyone was so relieved to know he is going to be okay.

I return to the hospital, where Ivan is surrounded by a doctor, nurses, Mercy, Sarah, and Sarah's teacher. We all wait patiently, as Ivan braves stitches in his legs. Sarah and I comfort each other with some candies and soda I brought for everyone. Ivan was in good hands, and we all breathed a sigh of relief knowing things could have been worse.

After a few hours, we brought Ivan home. We all took a moment to realize how precious life is. We could be spending a night grieving, but instead we rejoice in knowing Ivan is okay. By all counts, Ivan should be more hurt than what he received. We praise God that His hand rested on Ivan today. As we take that moment to understand the fragile state life is in, we remember we are not called to waist it. We are called to take every single second, and make it count. Life can get so crazy. We get caught up in the small mundane aspects of life, and we forget what matters. Christ calls us to love. We do not know how long we are able to share that love with those in this world. We cannot get caught up in things that do not matter. We must let them go to grasp onto those around us.

As I write this blog, I am comforted with knowing my boy is safe in his bed, along with all our other children. Sure, my errands were never accomplished, but I don't care because I know everyone is safe.


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