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Welcome Home

Some of our children come from areas around Kampala. When they are out of school, we will send them home to visit families. This holiday, they were gone for two weeks and there were five of them. The house just seemed so quiet. Sure, there was still plenty of noise, but not to the extent of fourteen children enjoying life and running wild. By the end of their stay, I was ready for them to come home!
I estimated what time they would be home, and every time I heard anything at the gate or any honk outside, I went to see if it was them. Finally they arrived home at around 8 in the evening. We had just started our nightly prayers, and were in the middle of a song. I saw the headlights through the gates and screamed to the top of my lungs, waving my arms in the air, and skipping out of the house. Everyone else followed shortly. The kids piled out of the van screaming with pure excitement. Ivan, who is just a solid rock of muscle, jumped into my arms as he shouted the most beautiful words, “AUNTIE MARY!” He then jumped from my arms to someone else's arms. Keep in mind, he is twelve. Then Moureen gave me the biggest hug, as she lifted me off of the ground. It was one of the most beautiful sights I have ever witnessed. Not only was I tickled to pieces that the rest of the kids were home, but those who stayed behind were equally ecstatic. Our giggles lit the night sky.
I pictured the reunion we will receive in Heaven. What a great and glorious welcome that must be! We fight the battles on this world. We are beat and tired, separated from those we love who have gone before us. We finally make it home. The pressures we have fought for so long vanish. We are soldiers returning home after a long battle. We know we are safe from the harm of the enemy. We can squeeze the necks in a glorious reunion. I am a giggly person, and I know on the day I will be laughing myself silly! Love and laughter will fill the air on that glorious day.

Above all, we will be in the presence of our Savior. He will welcome us home. We will finally grasp Christ in all His glory. No other welcome will compare to that day.


  1. Sweet!!!! You are blessing my heart by being there and loving on the kids and Uganda so very much!!!


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