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Keep Moving Forward

January 2015 -- Upon arrival back in Boise, I began to pray God guide me as I transition back into my life in Boise. He impressed on my heart to take a year and seek after Him. My world had just been rocked in the most beautiful way imaginable, leaving me drained physically, emotionally, and spiritually. He knew I needed this time to remember who I am in Him. Although all I wanted was to jump on the next flight back to Uganda, I listened to His impressions.
March 2015 -- The passions God ignited in my heart while I was in Uganda earnestly began to take root. In Uganda, I came to realize many things I don't want to do. Those things such as working in an orphanage. Although a noble calling, I saw my life going in a different direction. Now, after having the time to slow down and reflect, I was able to see what I wanted to do. I want to keep kids in families. I want to walk along families and give them the tools they need to watch their children succeed. I want to tech children about Jesus all day long! I want them to know that they are not a victim of their circumstance -- than even if they are born into poverty, abuse, or neglect, through the grace of Christ they will overcome, and He will give them the ability to change their community.
July 2015 -- All I wanted to do was go back to Uganda!
November 2015 -- I attended my third International Conference on Missions (ICOM). I went with one thing on my mind -- networking! I wanted to make myself and my passion for children known to whomever would listen. I found myself returning to two different organizations. Pioneer Bible Translators and Africa Inland Mission. I loved talking with both organizations, but I instantly connected with AIM. A good friend of mine from Uganda works with them, and she declared at a little going away Bible study gathering that I would soon be returning to Africa, working with AIM in the bush of Congo. I laughed it off, and forgot all about it until I began talking with the representatives at ICOM. After sharing my visions and passions, we spoke for hours about a number of opportunities. I cherished our conversations, and looked forward to the possibilities to come -- whether that meant working with street kids or teaching in the primary schools, my heart filled with joy at the thought of the future. I immediately filled out the pre-application, and was connected to the North West recruiter. This was another time of conversation over possibilities. He told me of a team going to Karamoja the beginning of 2017, of which the team leaders have already been in the area for a year and happened to be Stateside for furlough -- whom I spoke with later that week. The recruiter gave me such a sense of  hope, as he shared his full confidence that I could be on the field within a year.
December 2015 -- I received the biggest application I have ever had the pleasure of filling out! 22 total hours were spent pouring my life out. From thoughts on doctrinal issues to writing a detailed sketch of my life, every spare moment of December was spent on this application... and finding a new car after my Subaru died in the middle of the road!
January 2016 -- Rang in the New Year with three weeks of fasting and prayer, as I dedicated this year to getting back to the mission field! I prayed over my application. I prayed over the opportunity I may receive through AIM. I prayed that God would make His Will for my life clearer than I ever felt before.
February 2016 -- After what seemed like a lifetime, I was able to set up an interview for April, which meant more prayer during a season of waiting.
April 2016 --Interview day finally arrived. God brought such peace to my heart as I walked through the doors of our meeting place. Our time passed with ease. I shared my heart and my passion, and heard of even more opportunities to serve among Africa's children. The man conducting the interview asked me if I wanted to work in a specific area, or if my passion was children rather than location. Although I would love to work in Karamoja, I am willing to go where I am most needed. He was glad to hear that response, not that a certain place would be problematic, but more doors are open with a willingness to go where I am needed. He actually told me, “All the Africa corespondents will be excited to see your line of work!” My confidence flew through the roof in that moment. At the end of our meeting, he shared how my next step will be attending Connect Week, where I will fly to the US headquarters in Georgia, meet with counselors and the staff there, and go through some trainings on missionary care and support raising. The attendance is by invitation only, which means I went back to the waiting game -- a game I began to excel at!
Today -- I got my invitation! I am planning on being in Georgia June 4th through the 11th. Praise the LORD He brought me this far! I know His Will for my life is unfolding before my own eyes. Back when I spoke with the recruiter, he shared with me a bit about Connect Week. He explained that making it this far is key, and most people will go on to serve as missionaries under AIM. The people who are not accepted to move forward are those who are asked to take some time and work through struggles in their life. These are generally brought up by a counselor who believes certain struggles may create problems on the mission field. Those who refuse to take the steps needed to overcome whatever may become of those meetings will not be accepted to move forward under AIM. I honestly cannot picture myself in that situation. If I am given a task that will only make my missionary life more successful, you better believe I will take the time to make it happen! I feel more and more confident every day that God brought me down this road because of His Will for my life. Connect Week will cost me $950 plus a plane ticket to Georgia. I am blessed to have finally saved enough money to purchase my ticket. However, I still need to be able to pay AIM for the rest of the expenses. I have a few people who have chosen to make a donation to make this happen, and I am believing God to bring in the rest. He has been so faithful my entire life, and I know He will bring together the money needed for my final step in my application process. If 15 people donated $50, all my expenses would be taken care of. Please pray to see if God wants you to be a part of this journey in my life, and if so, feel free to contact me with the details.
Tomorrow -- God will be glorified through this journey He has brought me through. He will be known wherever I end up in this world, because that is all I want of this life, to make Him known!

"Around here we don't look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things, because we're curious...and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." -- Walt Disney


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