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Unexpected Gift

Partnership development. Support raising. Fundraising. Three terms with the same basic definition, as they also define my life since August. From my point of view, every day brings a number of separate feelings, sometimes at one time. Fear of the unknown, worry funds will not come together in time (again), joy for being called to such an amazing opportunity, and awe of all my Savior has done for me. I find myself often going through these emotions in a matter of seconds. 
In January, I needed all my outgoing costs covered, as well as enough people committed to monthly donations to cover my monthly expenses. I fell short in both areas. Fear and worry began to dominate my feelings. I began to doubt if I were truly following God's will, or if I chose to follow this path to the Karimojong for me, not for Him. 
This past week, God spoke directly to my fears and worries. I received two large financial gifts from people I never met. These people do not know me, but they see the importance of the work I will accomplish and chose to be a part of God's work, not mine. Their gifts were so sizable, I officially am well over my outgoing expenses. At this news, my heart was overwhelmed with gratitude to my Savior. These unexpected gifts from complete strangers felt as though God picked me up, held me at eye level, and said, "I know what I am doing. I know where I have called you. Let Me do My work, and then share the testimony of My goodness to the world." 
A friend of mine constantly says, "We worship God because He is God." This statement is so simple, yet I believe many of us forget, I include myself in this forgetful category. He does not need any more reason to be worshiped. He is God, but we forget His worthiness starts there. We continually seek out a reason to worship Him. We desperately think of what He has done for us -- gift of grace, opened our eyes to a dangerous situation, saved us from a deathly accident, provided for our needs at the last moment, and so many other reasons. Yes, we worship Him because of those gifts. We praise His name, for He is so good to us, but we must remember to worship Him in times when those gifts do not seem as evident. We worship Him first because He is God, and that alone is worth all our worship and adoration. Through His continued goodness, knows our human nature, and supplies us with endless reasons to worship Him and share those reasons to all He places in our path, yet another great reason to worship His name!
I have been handed another opportunity to worship Him, and share of His goodness. He reminded me that I am called to something greater than myself. He called me to teach His grace to a people so different than myself. How marvelous an opportunity that I embrace. As I remain in the States, I will proclaim these testimonies of His provision. As I go to Moroto, I will remember His sweet mercies, as I share with a lost people, because He is God and worthy of our worship.
I am still in need of monthly financial commitments, and have been given a new clearance date of April 24th. Please join me in prayer, as I seek out several new opportunities given to me. If you are interested in joining this work, please contact me, and I will help you through the process. There is also a link on this page to help. 


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