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When There Is No Power

Ok. It is time for a dose of honesty. But before that honest, I must explain culture shock. You see, most people think culture shock is simply the feeling you get when you first arrive to a developing country (third world). You go numb as you watch people live in complete poverty, and your heart is broken. However, that is only part. It is actually the smallest fraction of the large scale culture shock. There are actually five stages. First, the honeymoon stage. You are wrapped up in the new culture, and in love with all the new... good stage. I enjoyed it. Second, disenchantment. All the things that you once found amusing drive you absolutely crazy! Things do not work like you KNOW they should because that is how you always did them. People don't think like you and you are just frustrated. Third, fatigue. You are simply exhausted! Fourth,.... well for some reason, I cannot think of the fourth (Sorry Mr. Harrod if you ever read this... I promise I paid attention in all your classes!), but I feel like it is suppose to be depression. Self explanatory. And finally, acceptance. You become accepting of the culture, and understanding of the ways. Now that the lesson is over, let me get back to that honesty I was talking about. I realized the other day, I have found myself full throttle in stage two!
I realized just the other day. You see, I have tried setting up Skype dates for the kids and people in the US. Ever time I do, something goes haywire and my internet will not work. I got so frustrated the last time because I felt completely cut off to the world. I could not even let the family why we bailed on our date. I only have access to communication with these people through Facebook... which requires internet. I am from a country where communication is key, and accessible no matter what. I felt helpless, and I hated it! I tried to get my mind off of the internet issue by getting some work done. I went to print something out simply to discover we had no power. No internet. No power. Gosh! How do these people expect me to get anything done?! (All so silly, I know)
I knew I just needed to go find some time to myself. I took a walk into town, where I went and got a coffee (Not Dutch Bros, but the closes I will get!). By the time I was ready to head back, it was late enough I knew I needed a boda (form of taxi... it is a small motorcycle!). It was barely drizzling outside, but the second we headed down the road, the rain fell.... HARD! Huge drops came crashing down all around us. I had so much water streaming down my face, I could not keep my eyes open. I do not know how the boda man drove! Now, with my attitude so fowl before, you would think this would only make things worse. No. I loved it! God used that time in the rain to teach me a lesson. Yes, my attitude was unacceptable, but that did not make God love me less. He wants to wash that frustration away. He wants me to be full of love and compassion so I can do His work. He was washing me knew. He knows I am struggling with understanding, but He is always by my side as I take on a new culture.... isn't He beautiful?! When I made it to the compound, I could hear the boys “swimming” in the rain. They all put on swim gear and play in the mud, and rain as it soaks them to the core. Already being so wet, I joined them! We danced. We ran. We had an amazing time. At one point, rain came in all directions, as it rushed down from the sky and soaked us to the core. I do not think I ever felt more close to God as I did in that moment.
Ivan... usually he makes goofy faces with me....

Vestor is showing off his wet belly!

Ivan is tackling Api Peter to the ground as they dance in to downpour off the roof

Eddie... full smiles!

When I returned inside, I noted that the power was still out. Feeling a brief moment of reoccurring frustration, I prayed. I knew that electricity was not a high priority in life. You can live without it, but we have gone to believe we cannot live without it. I prayed for ten minutes straight for the stupid electricity! ELECTRICITY?! Seriously?! Death and brokenness surround me, and I pray for electricity. God does tell us to pray about everything, though. I guess sometimes the small prayers are of equal importance. However, He did not answer right away. He waited until I gave up on it. He waited for the moment I though, “What was I thinking? It is not that big of a deal. Gosh, we can get by without it. Sure, it would be more convenient, but God is so much bigger than that. He is all we need.” Just like that, the electricity came back on! In a blink of an eye! God loves to see where He ranks in our lives. He wants to see His name at the top of our priority list, because we are at the top of His. God is good, amen?  


  1. Beautiful post Mary! God used storms there to minister to my soul many times. How great Thou art!


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