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With Only Two More Months

The past ten months brought me through some of the most difficult challenges I ever faced. As I served in Uganda, I witnessed life far different than I ever experienced. Death became a reality. Poverty surrounded me. I became accustomed to dirt, trash, and an abundant lack of garbage cans (seriously, I miss sidewalk trashcans!). True, I still found joy in what I witnessed. Nothing brings greater warmth to a heart than serving the Maker. Even though I seemed to battle more sickness than I ever dealt with before and had to quickly become accustomed to a whole new culture, I loved the life I was made to live. With such a choice, came a great desire to stop the gospel from spreading to people who needed such a hope. I was knocked down to my knees more times than I can count during the most challenging spiritual battles I have yet to face. So many times, I felt like just staying down and giving up. But I stood up once more because my Savior never gave up on me. With His nudge, I came to my feet once more. Only to find myself being swung at once more. Time and time again, I walked away beat up and bruised, but confident I fought the good fight.
But, oh! I still have two months to soak in. Two months of love to pour out on children who changed my heart forever. Two months of growing friendships with those many do not even realize exist. A chance to strengthen and encourage them in the hope they found in Christ. Two more months to soak in the beauty of serving my Savior in a land foreign to me. These next two months I plan to live every moment to the hilt. I do not want to take this life I have been given for granted. I am choosing to cherish every person God puts in my path; to share His love for them in all I do. Nothing could be worse than boarding that plane in December, knowing I did not accomplish these things. To waist my time by living for myself would only leave me with regrets, and I refuse to do such.

Although the future holds the great unknown, I refuse to take my eyes off the now. I eagerly wait for the lessons God plans to teach me in my last leg of this amazing Ugandan race. The past ten have brought more to my heart than I could ever say, and I know God is not finished yet. So here is to serving an awesome Savior, and His mighty works in His children.


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