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For the Beauty of the Earth

 I grew up in Central Oregon, where the Cascade mountains bust through the skyline, and here is where my love of nature comes from. Moving to Boise, I appreciated the hiking trails that would take me through miles and miles of God's creation. There are also the best sunrises I have ever witnessed! But Uganda -- oh! Uganda is the most beautiful place I have laid my eyes on. I am always amazed at the glorious splendor God sets before me, as I soak in His artwork. Lush vegetation, amazing scarlet soil, the Nile River, Lake Victoria, sunflowers (my personal favorite), trees, and the most amazing skies I ever witnessed! 
So often, I get caught up in whatever I am doing – work, ministry, life – that I forget that I am surrounded by God's glory. I forget to take the time and soak up the beauty God created for my pleasure. He created it to woo my heart. I must admit, this past year I have been bad about enjoying the beauty of God's Hand. But when I do stop, I find myself completely in awe of Him. 
I want to simply share some of the beauty I am surrounded with through this past year, and hope you see God's glory the way I do.

A storm rolling in

The clouds here glow!

River Nile

Sunset on the water

My most favorite flower! Can't help but smile

River Nile, where I got to kayak a few months back

Along the water, looking at a distant village

Makes me think of Oregon!

The clouds are blue and purple, while the ground is green and red. I love the splashes of color!

Although I love the color, I will not miss trying to wash this dirt out of my clothes!

Can you see the rainbow? 


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