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Jesus of Suburbia

I confess, I am secretly in love with Green Day. Maybe it isn't as big of a secret as I think, but I must admit I am in love. I blame my brother. He is a huge fan of them, and before he started listening to them, I would always complain when their songs came on the radio. Not so much any more.
One of my favorite lines in their music goes, “The Jesus of Suburbia is a lie.” Whoa. The first time I heard that, I was stopped at a red light and forgot to go because I was so hung up on it. My first reaction was anger. Jesus lives! He works in my life, and I know He is the reason for the smile on my face. However, the more I thought about it, I realized that line holds incredible truth. The Jesus of Suburbia is safe. He is the Savior of the middle class, and he came to give them security and safety. He will guide them to material contentment. Not over the top, but just the basic toys. Their children will be on the honor roll, with the perfect clothes, the perfect grades, and the perfect friends. The Jesus of Suburbia promises them that 1950's picture perfect family.... What a load of garbage! Green Day got it correct when they called THAT Jesus a lie.
Jesus Christ is so much greater than that! He didn't come to make our lives secure, and give us what we think we need. No! He came to bring us freedom. He promises the forgiveness of sins. He pours His grace into us so we may be called children of God. We are His children! No promise of a white picket fence or a perfect life. In fact, we are promised more times than I can count that we will face troubles in this world. Our job is to bring glory to God in this life. Jesus did not come for a life of comfort, so why should we expect one?
My life is anything but the white picket fence. I live in Uganda, where so much heartache comes crashing down on me every day, and most of the time I feel so completely tapped out. Like if I give of myself to one more person I am going to break. I would not trade the life God gave me for anything in this world! He continually pours His everlasting grace into my life, in order for me to pour it back into those who need a piece. He allows the struggles of this world to come into my life so I may learn from His great wisdom. I want nothing else out of this life. I know my life will never be easy, and I love it! I love the adventure, and I love serving Him.

So yes, the Jesus of Suburbia is a lie. However, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is alive. He lowered Himself to this earth, so we may have salvation. He came to rescue this world. He will come again, and that is where our security exists. It isn't this life, but the hope in knowing Christ will come again for our rescue. Jesus lives, and He has my heart forever. Although not what Green Day intended I am sure, I am so thankful for this reminder.  


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